He's my Favourite...alwiz has been...alwiz will be:))
My Hero..My World..:))
Hide Every Trace of Sadness
a chapter about myself , the school life and everything in between . nothing special actually . by the way,this blog is mine and not yours , so i can write whatever i like . dont like it , STEP ASIDE . for those who's following , thanks=) My little cuttie bloggie:)) watever i post put here is related 2 me **i meant myself so if i do hurt u in anywhere,im sorry **i cant help u out :)) If u dun prefer reading,juz go to the x button up there n click it...
Im the girl who loves to enjoy her life:)) A.K.A the naughty girl coz i love to disturb n bully people Loves.... ~him
~surya ~food ~mom ~dad ~friends ~dogs ~coke ~black ~pink ~purple ~pilaiyar ~texting ~chatting ~sleeping ~watching tv ~shopping ~making noise ~handphones ~love ~nail polish
hate him ah da?