Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I Can't Stop Crying...=(

I just simply cant stop crying...
I was crying in my tuition from 6pm-8pm
I was not studying at all
I really cant understand why am I like this...?

Kogie needs me desperately today...
She wants me to care and comfort her at this moment
But I was too far from her
Instead of being beside her

Seriously I never want this to happen...
I told her that I would be there at 5.30pm
but I went tuition at 6pm
Im sorry for that
I made her waited....
I was so mean...

In the class,the clerk separate us...
Three of us was sitting too far from each other...
We couldnt do anything...
We was helpless....
We have being too much patient...
At 1st,the teacher said that we are getting guys attention...
Come on la...We are friendly...
We talk to everyone...
As usual,everyone knows that I talk to everyone that I see infront of my eyes...
If I never talk,at least I will smile...
unlike some idiots in my tuition...
who dares to complain...
but still I was patient n cool and I was good to her!
But on Monday,I got pissed off...
Kogie was talking properly to her and in sudden she said shut up to kogie....
well,this makes me ''high temper''
I scold her terribly and used bad words
Im sorry for that=(
If Im angry,I will just show off no matter who u are...
Im not the type of keeping feelings to myself...
I will just show up...

I dont know what should I do...???
I need help..
I cant make decision at all...
I want everyone...

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